Books etc..
The XML Bible at It's $49.99, ISBN 0-7645-3236-7, published by IDG Books, and written by me, Elliotte Rusty Harold. You can read more about it on my XML Bible page at The XML Bible is a comprehensive introduction to XML for Web
page design. It shows you how to write XML documents, validate them with DTDs, design CSS and XSL style sheets for those documents, convert them to HTML, and publish them on Web servers for the world to read. You'll also learn how to use XML technologies like RDF, XLinks, XHTML, and namespaces to add structure and organization to your document collections. And finally, you'll learn about the many uses of XML beyond the Web site, including genealogy, subscription services, mathematics, vector graphics, and more. | Elliotte Rusty Harold | |
The Unicode standard. It's an excellent piece of work and really essential if you're going to be doing any work with these things. If it's not in your local bookstore you can buy it from their website at
"The SGML & XML Cookbook", ISBN 0-13-614223-0, which I think is very useful. I also have a series of
articles on experimental schema ideas at Rick Jelliffe
Check out the low prices on these bestselling technical books:
Bestselling Books List Bookpool Disc
Microsoft Certified Sys Engineer Core Req Kit.$299.99$174.50 42%
Programming Perl, 2nd Edition (covers Perl 5.0)$39.95 $25.50 36%
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach.$83.95 $64.50 23%
Oracle8: The Complete Reference (w/CD).........$59.99 $35.50 41%
Microsoft Visual Basic Professional 6.0 Step by$39.99 $23.95 40%
Oracle8 PL/SQL Programming: The Essential Guide$44.99 $26.95 40%
Networking Essentials, Second Edition (w/CD)...$99.99 $58.95 41%
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware.$79.95 $61.50 23%
Core Java 2, Volume 1: Fundamentals............$42.99 $25.50 41%
A+ Exam Cram : The First and Last Reference....$29.99 $18.95 37%
Oracle Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques....$49.99 $29.95 40%
Bob DuCharme
for "XML: The Annotated Specification" from Prentice Hall. see
There are two good books: "Structuring XML Documents" by David Megginson and "Developing SGML DTDs" (SGML syntax can be slightly different in places, but most design issues are the same) by Eve Maler and Jeanne El Andaloussi.
"XML: The Annotated Specs"" by Bob DuCharme
"XML Applications (Wrox Press)"
"Designing XML Internet Applications" by Michael Levinthal, David Lewis and Matthew Fuchs
"Building XML Applications" by Simon St. Laureny and Ethan Cerami
"XML in Action" by Willian J. Pardi
For a pretty complete list of what's out there (biased a little toward his own books, friends, and series), see (I can't get the site to come up right now - @#X! DNS! - but I think that's right.)
Another good site is, from Elliotte Rusty Harold. Again, he has his own biases (and his own books), but it's a good list with some notation.
Information on my books is available at, if you're interested in a general XML guide (XML: A Primer), a book on XML and Java (Building XML Applications), or a book on using XML for scientific and technical applications (Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical).
Check out IBM's AlphaWorks site at: or the Oracle Technology web site at: