The argument for pretty vegetables.
For years
biologists have pondered why very colourful male birds exist. The colour should
alert the predators and therefore the most colourful birds would be eaten out
of existence. Out of curiosity a biologist pulled the colour out of some pretty
feathers and chemically analysed it. To everyone's surprise this colour is anti
oxidant (they are vitamins). The conclusion was that the healthiest bird is
the one with the best immune system. And the one with the best immune system
is the one that can afford to put the anti oxidants into its feathers to show
the females how healthy it is. These anti oxidants were traced back to their
source and this was the bird's diet. The more colourful the food they ate the
higher was the concentration of anti oxidants in their diet. When the female
selects the most colourful male to mate with she is choosing the healthiest
male. This is why colourful birds exist.
The message in this is choose the food with the most colour in it as it is sure to be healthier for you. The priority when shopping for vegetables is colour first. So foods like red beet, tomatoes, capsicums, silver beet, carrots (colour) etc. should be included in the shopping list. Strong reds, greens, orange . colours are the best.
The pH effect is different for different
food types.
From the foods we eat we absorb nutrients. These nutrients are eventually metabolized
to mostly inorganic components. Foods like tomatoes are acidic and when metabolized
most of he organic components that made the tomato acidic are used up leaving
inorganic acids and alkalis. Foods high in protein and starches when metabolized
make our bodies more acidic. Vegetables make our bodies more alkaline. Adult
bodies maintain the blood pH at 7.4 - slightly alkaline.
Our bodies balance the acids and alkalis in our diet. Our body uses our lungs
and kidneys to maintain the right pH of 7.4. Holding onto carbon dioxide decreases
the pH and balances our blood when it is too alkaline. When our diet is too
acidic our body has to use minerals from our bones and muscles like calcium
and magnesium to do the balancing. This can lead to osteoporosis and mineral
deficiencies. Magnesium deficiency will lead to heart arrhythmia, cramps, fatigue
as the muscles need magnesium to be able to relax.
Vegetables when metabolized leave our bodies more alkaline and this is the desirable condition as an alkaline condition can easily be balanced with carbon dioxide. If your diet is acidic you may need to take some sodium bicarbonate in fruit juice. Sodium bicarbonate is sometimes prescribed for people who have kidney stones and are too acidic.
Do you need a change in your diet?
will impose on you a change in the way you cook food. The diet that really works
is a vegetable and fruit diet where the vegetables are steamed or cooked with
lots of virgin olive oil and eaten cooled with lots of linseed oil. Eggs, fish,
turkey and very lean meats can occasionally be eaten, but not a lot. AND NOTHING
ELSE. Now the challenge is to develop and find recipes and learn to cook vegetables
in new interesting and exciting ways. This means only small amounts of bread,
pastry, butter, cakes, rice, noodles, pasta, red meats, chicken, potato, ice
cream- all those things that are high in starch and saturated fats.
Unsaturated Oils - oils with
double bonds - Omega 3, 6, 9 oils.
My father about 8 years ago was crippled with arthritis and fused such that
he had very little flexibility and lots of pain when he moved. This made his
moods bad and he was constantly angry and sore. It got so bad that he did not
care much if he lived or died. He had bone spurs in his feet that made walking
painful. He began taking linseed oil and noticed an immediate improvement and
a continuing improvement. Because he suffered from sleep apnea which he did
not know at the time he was prone to falling asleep suddenly. This he did one
day while driving and hit a monster of a tree head on. His head put a five inch
dint in the windscreen and broke all the fusion in his spine that had accumulated
over his years of suffering arthritis. To his joy he got flexibility back, he
could again turn his head without having to turn his body. Linseed oil (an unsaturated
oil) is really good stuff and very necessary. My father became so convinced
of the merits of linseed oil that he fed it to his racehorse State Taj. This
horse won the Hong Kong Cup.
Snoring is dangerous and will cause sleep
Snoring is caused by the pressure
inside the nose dropping because of incoming air restrictions. This "sucks"
in the pallet and closes off the incoming air. Serious cases of snoring can
cause low blood oxygen levels. When the build up of carbon dioxide reaches a
critical level the body's response is to alert and there is this sudden wake
up. If this happens too often people miss out on their REM sleep (Rapid Eye
Then, as a result, these people have the peculiar habit of falling asleep during the day at unusual times. In severe cases driving a car is a dangerous activity for these people. But worse still is that over time the trigger level changes until eventually people wake up after they are dead. (They died in their sleep).
The causes are both the structure of the nose, excess weight and allergens. My father has had this problem, his solution is to wash his nose out every night before bed with a weak salt solution. This removes the pollen, dust and stuff stuck to the mucus membranes in the nose and this has solved his problem.
I tried this and it was not always successful. I have also used a plastic insert that keeps the nose open with good results . I have tried asthma spray and this also worked for me but the long term use of the spray worried me. In severe cases the hospitals will lend people a device that pressurises the air and thus blows open the pallet. People have to sleep with these things at night. I know one person who lost his front teeth because of this device. The pressure was so high that it stopped the blood flow into his teeth and gums. The tissues were damaged and an infection set in. His teeth became loose and fell out.
Perhaps the biggest cause of snoring is dust house mites and there is a spray for them. After spraying a good vacuum and a dust mite proof blanket can solve this problem. We have a dust mite proof blanket. Another solution is to sleep on one's side or front so that the pallet has gravity helping to keep it open. Perhaps the best solution is get fit and lose weight. I changed my diet to mostly pretty vegetables with linseed oil. A teaspoon of baking soda in fruit juice once a day, vitamin C,B and E. Magnesium chelate and a calcium supplement. A brewers yeast in fruit juice drink occasionally. I learnt to rollerblade and visit a friend at the other end of a bike track on a regular basis. I have decided to enjoy being a bit hungry as this helps lose weight.
If you wake up feeling like you must have had a drink last night and have a slight hangover and if you snore and if you have a tendency to feel sleepy perhaps you should look for a simple solution for yourself to stop the snoring.
The conclusion is:-
Eat lots of vegetables and fruits (Definitely include beans and peas).
Cook with virgin olive oil and eat your vegetables with linseed oil.
Take vitamin E, B-group, C, minerals and trace elements like selenium occasionally.
Take and experiment with magnesium chelate to see if you have a magnesium deficiency.
Try some Bicarb of soda - Sodium bicarbonate to balance out your acidic condition
if you have one.
Consider the need for a calcium supplement as well - especially if you have
sore and aching bones.
Drink adequate fluids - do not let yourselves be dehydrated.
Stay mentally calm.
Get some exercise.
See your doctor for an anti cholesterol drug if needed, have a blood test.
See your doctor about taking a blood thinning compound to protect yourself from
possibility of stroke and heart attack if needed.
Do not eat starchy foods, pastries, rice, noodles etc.
Reduce meats and foods with saturated fats in them to almost nothing.
Do not drink coffee or other drinks with caffeine in them like cola.
Do not let yourselves become demineralised through lack of adequate exercise.
Vitamin E can effect the performance of some blood thinning agents and doctors
do not recommend taking Vitamin E with Warfarin.
Best regards
Trevor Croll