Do you have a heart arrhythmia, get cramps and feel tired most of the time?
Astronauts who spend 40 days in space lose 11% of their bone mass as inactivity causes significant bone and muscle mass loss through demineralization. Longterm hospital patients confined to hospital beds and people taking it easy recovering from illness should be aware of this.
I broke my pelvis and spent 6 weeks in bed in traction unable to do anything but lie in bed. I had to urinate into a bottle and I could see my bones precipitated as a white powder in my urine. My pelvis healed in 6 weeks and after another 12 weeks it was fully recovered from the fracture. However, it took me 4 years to recover from the 6 weeks in bed and 12 weeks of little exercise. I had to find out what was happening in my body and why my back was always sore, why I had a heart arrhythmia (my heart was beating unevenly) and why I was always feeling exhausted. If I was ever going to get my health back I had to work out what was wrong. During this period I had teeth break, fillings fall out and big dental bills. Every time I took calcium with the view to strengthening my teeth and bones I would feel worse. I would find my back cramped up and become very sore, my exhaustion would be worse. I could take dolomite - a mineral and it did some minor good but no matter how much I ate it still did not come near to solving my problems. I went to the doctors and had blood tests and went through the details very carefully, if anything I was a bit on the low side in iron, but this could not explain my arrhythmia and general tiredness.
Stop taking coffee.
Coffee is a diuretic and diuretics leach the body of minerals (demineralization). Excessive coffee drinking makes for feelings of tiredness and this needs a stimulus which coffee provides. The coffee trap will cause heart arrhythmia, cramps and feelings of tiredness. Coffee removes magnesium faster than other things thus the feeling of exhaustion that coffee seems to fix. Coffee is bad news.
Learn to relax and reduce stress levels.
Stress has similar effects on the body to coffee. Stress can also deplete the body of magnesium. In my case the broken pelvis was a stressful experience and this would have significantly contributed to my magnesium deficiency. The brain is leaky. When there is a lot of activity in the brain the signals leak into the rest of the body and cause muscle contractions in the whole body. Our bodies are a complex set of competing and cooperating processes. In high stress mode the body is geared for fight and flight. Other processes are slowed such as our digestion and our immune system. When we stop thinking we reduce the fight and flight system status and allow other important but less urgent processes to run and this builds better health.
The art to relaxing is to picture yourself in a happy place and then hold only that thought. Then allow the thought to slowly wane until there are no thought processes running at all. If you are at all concerned you may lose time then set the alarm clock to 30 minutes later. Do not go to sleep, remain awake and void of any thoughts. You can allow your body to relax and you should feel your arms and legs relaxing. During this period of relaxation other essential processes will run and your body will do more self repair.
What we eat is digested and metabolized. Eventually the nutrients are broken down mostly to their inorganic acids and alkalines. Our body maintains its pH levels at 7.4 which is slightly alkaline. If the foods we eat are too acidic it has to find minerals to balance out the acid and thus we excrete magnesium, calcium, zinc, and all the other organic minerals we need. Vegetables create the most alkaline conditions of all foods and for our body to be able to re- mineralize (lay down calcium etc.) we need a diet that is more alkaline. Proteins when metabolized are highly acidic producing lots of nitric acid. Starches produce lots of phosphoric acid. Not good for repairing and growing bone.
Take a magnesium chelate dietary supplement.
Muscles need calcium to contract and they need magnesium to relax. When there is a magnesium deficiency the muscles are always tight and this leads to the feelings of exhaustion. My arrhythmia and general tiredness were due to a magnesium deficiency. What was happening was that my heart, after it had contracted was not relaxing (opening) properly and preparing itself for the next contraction. It needs magnesium for this function. As a result when it should next contract it wouldn't. The signal created by the sinus node in the heart was being ignored. My back was always tired and I had trouble lifting myself off the couch.
I started taking Magnesium Chelate I found at the Chemist (500mg). I took 4 of them the first time and within 3 hours my feeling of well being went through the roof. I felt better than I had for many years. It was a miracle. Magnesium deficiency symptoms are muscle cramps, tiredness, and muscles that get extremely tired very quickly with exercise and have symptoms of knotting up.
Chelation Therapy is used to detoxify bodies in cases of heavy metal (lead, mercury etc.) poisoning. By taking magnesium chelate there is the benefit that the heavy metals accumulated over the years are slowly leaving as the heavy metal chelate. Teeth fillings like the Silver amalgam are a mixture of silver and mercury, this is not healthy and mercury accumulates in our bodies. I remembered going to a dentist who bragged that he made his own amalgam, after this I am sure I did not feel as well and making amalgam is easier when excess mercury is used.
Take a calcium supplement and vitamin D.
Calcium is essential for strong bones. Sources are cheese, milk, green leafy vegetables and calcium supplements. There is a problem with eating cheese, because it is high in protein. When it is fully digested and metabolized the net result is more acidic than basic. The body will use the calcium to neutralize the acid and thus it is not available to the body. Bones need calcium, magnesium and vitamin D as in cod liver oil for maximum growth.
Take Sodium bicarbonate (baking powder).
To lay down bone which is mostly alkaline the body needs an alkaline environment. The body maintains a pH of 7.4 by adjusting the carbon dioxide dissolved as carbolic acid in the blood. The kidneys also help when they excrete excess salts and minerals. When the blood is too acidic the body can no longer control the pH with carbon dioxide and has to use alkaline minerals (calcium magnesium etc.) it takes from the bones and muscles to neutralize the acid. To speed recovery take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of fruit juice both night and morning. Where there are symptoms of skin irritations, cracked lips, sensitive teeth – symptoms of high acidity it will help to take higher amounts on the first two days like 5 teas spoons of sodium bicarbonate. (Warning: If blood tests reveal high sodium levels you are warned not to do this).
A vibrator that generates a vibration at about 40hz (40 times per second) maximizes bone growth. A cat's purr is beneficial to their bonestructure as the frequency of the purring corresponds to the frequency that best stimulates bone growth. People who suffer osteoporosis would be well advised to use a vibrator on their bones for 20 minutes per day. Bones have two processes running in them. One process is consuming calcium and releasing it into the blood and the other process is responding to the stress signals in the bones and is laying down calcium where those signals are strongest. Vibrations from a vibrator signal to the process that lays down the calcium and this maximizes bone growth.